Tuesday, October 29, 2013

the night of Le Rex

Once we entered this Persian bar we sat next to a gentleman from Madrid. He was like that XX commercial guy, real down to earth. The real most interesting man. He had stories upon stories as we knocked down shots of absinthe.
It was a vision that I saw in this spanish man as a thought of the modern
day association of rhizome he represented what was about to escalate into a good time. 
Now we wreere drunkk. Time to get FROGGY!

As we entered club le Rex the music was bumping the air full of passion, dancing, and sexual tension.
we knocked down just one more shot 
thats all we needed. 
All three of us headed to the dance floor for what was sure to be a night full of excitement and memories. 
Day 3:

I wake up remembering nothing of the night before in a place i've never seen and no idea ware I am. A stranger walks in her name Jacqueleen.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Combats de troupe!!!


Viva la france! Its day one, no place to stay, Fuck and no signs of help coming my way. The smell of the streets was forced upon me. The thoughts going threw your head in a city where there's no one to help you, Priceless. So I hit the streets to find my new home. I'm now dragging my bags through a foreign city, with people who speak in a foreign tongue. The feeling at this point, Fuck Me. 
So i come
across a man
who happens to speak
perfect english. He directs me to 
a hostel that he was staying at himself.
On RUE VITRUVE the hostel 
was, aka the hood.
I had
no place
to stay,
i had 
to take
We got
off the
Here it was,
the HOOD.
The venders,
and sights.
No tourists
for miles.
We check 
in to
our hostel. 
Now the trip 

                We started in the Latin quarter.

  Culturally the most diverse part of paris. Beautiful
buildings, the sights of gothic, romanesque, and modern 
architecture clashing together harmoniously. The streets
filled with such a beautiful sight of life. NOT a care in 
the world. This place was meant for me. I have found 
what I was missing, what i was looking for, peace. 

“There is never any ending to Paris and the memory of each person who has lived in it differs from that of any other. We always returned to it no matter who we were or how it was changed or with what difficulties, or ease, it could be reached. Paris was always worth it and you received return for whatever you brought to it." 

-Ernest Hemingway


On our way home now we arrive at our metro stop.
We climb a set of stares that under the influence of absinthe  
 is almost nearly impossible to feat. As we got to our street we see
children hiding behind cars near our hostel. 
We walk past thinking nothing of the situation at hand.
Farther down the street there were more children.
As we kept walking a bottle crashes in the street.
                                                                                                               A  BRAWL !!!
It breaks out of no ware the children start running towards eachother
swinging bats, pipes, and knifes.  
 I was now trying to get us out of the situation at hand and thats when the pepper spray
entered the equation.
We now found our selfs stuck in a gang war! 

I grabbed my friend and we ran as fast as we could to get out of this snafu of a situation. 
Once we got back to the hostel we washed off the stench of pepper spray that stuck to our 

After all is said and done we get back to our room, first thing we see is this 

Sticker on the bag of our roommate.

We got in to a conversation with him obviously we knew ware he was from but it was nice to see and talk to another American. 
We defiantly talked football being SEMINOLES in all!!!


I've been to Georgia before, a beautiful place the TREES. 

His southern accent brought me back to a past experience, to a place i've also sought to escape from reality.
Nothing but wilderness. It bewildered me in this experience, being what they call a city boy. Recollecting the past of my southern country experience ware i actually had PEACE!!!

It's not even day two!  


The smell of Coffee in the morning nothing like it. We walk down the stairs to the restaurant after a good nights rest. We load up on food and head on out

The Louvre 
One of the 
most beautiful places 
in Paris and NO lines
I thought impossible, so lucky.
We buy our tickets and head on through
the glass pyramid entrance. We then took the escalator down 
to the basement floor and started to tour. I couldn't help to think 
about the novel Nadja by Andre Briton. All of the art absolutely
astonished me. Various different types of art and sculptures from 
all over the world. We stayed all day engulfed in it an absolute PEACEful experience. 
It was six o'clock now and we hadto leave, they kinda we're closing. We took the metro to the nearest bar and well you kinda guess whats going to happen next.